Support All Priorities

Our Priorities

Our priorities are to support the people at the heart of our academic mission, to strengthen Jesus College as a place of world-leading Higher Education and research, and to advance our progress as a forward-thinking college that is shaping the future of learning at Oxford.

“An offer letter of admission from Jesus requires hard work from the students, but it is just as important for Jesus College to create an educational environment that gives young people the confidence to apply and the self-belief that they will be able to thrive academically at Oxford. This is why the Development Fund remains so vital to shaping the student experience. We recognise the importance your donations make towards upholding our reputation as a meritocratic institution and making an Oxford education accessible to all.”

Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt FRS FREng FBCS
Principal of Jesus College

Support the Development Fund

Donating to the Jesus College Development Fund is one way to make a meaningful and unrestricted contribution to College’s greatest priorities. The strength of this collective support enables College to respond to its most pressing needs at any given time. Unrestricted donations play a vital role each year in supporting students through the creation of means-tested bursaries, graduate scholarships, and hardship grants. It supports College’s part in the unique Oxford tutorial system and in advancing academic research of the highest calibre.

The Development Fund also preserves and protects our heritage. It ensures that by providing operational support our ancient and newer buildings are as equipped as ever to meet the needs of the present College community. As an historic Oxford college, we cannot be passive to change. We need to be willing to adapt to fit the needs and desires of a Higher Education institution in the 2020s and beyond. Your support therefore not only protects our past, but also helps ensure our progress. Most importantly, it helps us to remain agile to offer the best educational experience to the students of today, and to plan for our future with confidence.

Gifts of any amount make an incredible impact when added to College’s Development Fund and this communal support raises over £300,000 in donations each year. Jesus College relies on the strength of loyal supporters who want to make an immediate and positive impact on College life. Donating to the Development Fund is the best way to do this.

“It is a privilege to give a little back in return for having been given such a wonderful experience and opportunity. I hope all alumni will support, little or much.”

Alan Lovell, 1972, Classics