Sports and Wellbeing appeal

In January 2024, we launched the Sports and Wellbeing appeal to secure support for a new College gym in the Cheng Yu Tung Building, to refurbish the Boathouse and restore the Sports Grounds at Barts. These areas are used by so many in College and their condition is vital to both sporting performance and to enhancing the student experience.

In support of the appeal many alumni shared their sporting memories online, recounting their participation in sports during their time at Jesus. The result is a wonderful archive of anecdotes and photographs, all illustrating the importance of sport at college for personal development and securing life-long friendships.

Sport has played a significant role in the lives of students at Jesus for generations, both at a competitive and non-competitive level. The value of these activities for both our students' physical and mental health is indisputable. We are grateful to all alumni who donated and helped us to raise over £100,000 for this initiative. These generous contributions are invaluable in providing a well-rounded College experience and we thank you for recognising the important role sport can play in the lives of our students.

Your generosity has made these improvements possible, allowing incoming students to enjoy enhanced facilities starting in Michaelmas 2024.

“The generous support we have received significantly enhances College's ability to undertake these important projects. This funding ensures that we can provide state-of-the-art facilities for our students, enriching their overall experience. We are hugely grateful for the contributions that help us maintain and improve our College environment.”

Cait Winter
Estates Bursar

Donor Roll

A huge thanks to all the generous donors listed here, as well as those who have chosen to remain anonymous, for their support of the Sports and Wellbeing appeal.

Mr David F Ambler (2021)
Mr William Appleby (1990) Δ
Professor Jon R S Arch (1967)
Mr Philip T Atkinson (1969) Δ

Mr Thomas A Baker (2006) Δ
Dr David Thomas Bartlett (1965) Δ✾
Mr Lucas D Baude de Bunnetat (2021)
Ms Victoria J Belcher (1982) Δ✾
Mr William M L Bell and Dr Sheila Bell (1955) ▲✾
Miss Sarah A Bell (1980)
Mr Jonathan M Bellamy (1982) and Mrs Bojana Bellamy Δ
Mr Ivor R B Bennett (2004)
Dr Terence M G Best† (1948)
Dr Andrew K Biggs (1989) Δ
Mr Alistair J R Bool (1991) Δ
Mr Bryan A Bowers (1970) ◇
Dr Sonia Brough in memory of Air Commodore John G De'Ath† ▲

Ms Kathryn A Campbell (1981) ◇
Sir Geoffrey Cass (1951) and Lady Olwen Cass ▲
Mr Michael J Cavers-Davies (1997) ▲
Mr Julian B Cooke (1981)
Mr Peter A Cowley (1981)

Miss Katie H Day (1998)
Mr David G Deakin (1966) Δ
Dr Neil D J Derbyshire (1978)

Dr Simon S Elliott (1990) and Mrs Claire E Elliott (1988) ✾

Ms Alice R Falk (1977)
The Lord Ferdinand OStJ (1983) ◇
Professor Derek Fisher (1960) Δ

Mr Tim Gingell (1985) Δ
Mr Richard E Glenister (1966)
Ms Fiona J Greig (1974)
His Honour David Griffiths (1963) Δ

Mr Ceri M Hammond (1970) Δ
Dr David Hampshire FRSA FRAI
Mrs Siân R P Hassan (1983)
Mr Cheun-Hon Ho (1996) ▲
Mr Nicol A Holladay (1967) ✾
Mr William E Hoover Jr (1971)
Mr J Bryn Hopkinson (1966)
Dr David E Hughes (1962)

Professor William L G James (1952)
Dr Dale J Johnson (1999)
Mr Stephen L Jones (1974) ●✾
The Revd Sue Jones (1975) ▲
Mr Peter M Jones (1975)

Professor Y Jonathan Kang (1992)

Mr Christopher W Lane (1958)
Mr Stephen M Lewis (1977)
Mr Philip G Lovell (1975) Δ
Dr Martin C Lugg (1975)

Mr B M McCracken (2003)
Mr Malcolm McIvor FIA (1961) ●✾
Dr Peter G Mead (1972)
Dr Rodney S K Mearns (1969)
Mr David D V Morgan (1971) Δ
Dr Stephen R Morillo (1980)

Dr Caitlin F O’Brien (2015)
Mr Stephen J O'Flaherty (1970) ●
Mr David J O'Reilly (1969) Δ

Mr Hayden Parry (1997)
Dr Roger Patrick (1974) ▲
Mr Joshua Peckham (2008)
Mr Clive R Peckover OBE (1985) Δ
Mr Jan S Pethick (1966)  and Mrs Belinda Pethick ◇✾
Mr Graham F Pimlott (1969) ●
Mr Morris C Pita (2000) and Ms Sharon N Shea (2001)

Mr Tim J L Richards (1956) Δ
Mr J Iestyn Roberts (1974) Δ
Mr David G Roberts (1961) Δ
Mrs Siobhan M Rowley (1988) Δ on behalf of Dr Sean McGrady Foundation
Mr David J Rowley (2008) and Dr Hannah F Rowley (2008)

Mrs Alison J Sanderson (1993)
Mr William B R Saunders (1972) and Mrs Ruth G Saunders (1974) ▲
Dr Christopher F Seward MA, BMBCh, DRCOG (1967) ▲
Mr Graham K Simons (1959) ▲
Mr Francis Stephens (1945) ✾
Mr Peter R Stevens (1960) ▲
Dr Howard P Stevens MA MBBS MRCP PhD (1980) ▲

Mr Alan Thomas (1966) ▲
Mr Martin R Thomas (1983) and Mrs Alison J Thomas (née Field) (1983)
Mr Neil R Thomas (1981)
William Touche (1981)

Professor E Haydn Walters (1969)
Dr Rhodri Walters CB (1968) ▲✾
Dr Anthony D Weaver (1968) Δ✾
Mr Andrew J O Wilkinson (1979) ◇
Mr Stuart N Woodward (1976) and Mrs Sue C Woodward (1976) ◇✾

The symbols beside each donor's name reflect their respective patron level:
◆ Queen Elizabeth Fellows
◇ Principal’s Circle of Benefactors
● Jenkins Patrons
▲ Meyricke Patrons
Δ Mansell Patrons
✾ The 1571 Society members

For further details on Jesus College Patron Scheme, please click here.